More than 40 CLASP proposals proceeding to peer review
Reinforcing existing prevention efforts
August 24, 2009
The Partnership is pleased to announce that 41 proposals for Coalitions Linking Action & Science for Prevention (CLASP) funding will be moving forward to an adjudication panel in August-September 2009.
The CLASP initiative will fund coalitions of researchers, practitioners and policy specialists, enabling them to broaden the reach and deepen the impact of existing cancer and chronic disease prevention efforts at the municipal, regional, provincial/territorial and national levels. Proposals were submitted in July 2009 and reflect a cross-section of regions, populations and chronic diseases.
Peer review will be conducted by a panel of experts recruited for their expertise in the work proposed. Each proposal will have a minimum of three primary reviewers, including one in each of the areas of research, policy and practice.
Awards are planned for October 2009.