Solar UVR protection: Provincial and territorial sun safety policies in schools

Learn how provincial and territorial governments can reduce exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in schools

Inside this UVR policy pack

Sun safety policies in schools


Develop UVR protection policies in child care settings, schools, recreational settings for children and adolescents, and workplaces with outdoor workers1,2,3


Adopt sun safety policies within schools 3,4

Provide UVR protection control measures in line with best practice (e.g., protective clothing, use of sunscreen, modelling by teachers, shade, scheduling of recess, education and enforcement) 3,4

Degree of policy adoption*


Current action(s) in Canada

Adoption for evidence-informed sun safety policies within schools (K-12) is low. No province or territory has legislation that provides for UVR protection within schools. Sun safety policies may be adopted at the school and school board levels.

* Levels of adoption:  Low = very few jurisdictions have adopted evidence-informed policy action; Medium = some, but not all jurisdictions have adopted evidence-informed policy action; High = most jurisdictions have adopted evidence-informed policy action.


1 Cancer Care Ontario (2016). Prevention System Quality Index. Retrieved from:

2 Occupational Cancer Research Centre (OCRC)/Cancer Care Ontario (CCO). (2017).  Burden of Occupational Cancer in Ontario: Major workplace carcinogens and prevention of exposure. Retrieved from:

3 SunSmart Victoria. (2015). Policy Statements and Actions. Retrieved from:

4Department of Health (Victoria, Australia). (2019). Shade Grants Program. Retrieved from: