Colorectal screening in Canada, 2023-24

Information Technology (IT) systems to support colorectal screening

Eight provinces and one territory have provincial IT systems for Colorectal Screening. Of the nine jurisdictions that have a provincial IT system, six have integrated or are in the process of integrating the IT system with other screening programs. All jurisdictions that have a provincial IT system use it to support operationalizing the colorectal screening program and as a data repository.

P/T  Program has a provincial IT system for cervical screening  IT system is integrated with other screening programs (e.g., colon, breast, lung)  IT system is integrated with other health data systems (e.g., Hospital EHR, RIS, Population Registry) related to cervical screening  IT system is used for operationalizing the cervical screening program (e.g., to send reminders, recall, follow-up, etc.).   IT system is used as a data repository (e.g. storage and reporting)  Where is the IT system hosted (e.g., cloud-based, on local server)?
YT  Local server*
BC  Local server
AB  Local server
SK  ^ Web-based application
MB  Local server
ON Cloud-based application
NB ✓~ Local server
NS  IT system receives full population registry information weekly Local server
PE  ✓ Cervical, colorectal, planning for lung ✓Data connection with other health data systems Local server
NL  Cloud-based application

*YT: Yukon is currently in the process of implementing a new cloud-based IT system.
^SK: Screening Program for Colorectal Cancer (SPCRC) is currently developing a new IT system that will integrate all screening programs offered by the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency.
~NB: Integrated with cervical program. Planning for future integration with lung program.

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