Breast screening in Canada, 2023-24

Mobile breast screening

Seven jurisdictions provide mobile breast screening to individuals. Primary populations served by mobile screening are First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities and rural and remote communities, as well as other equity-denied communities.

Mobile breast screening

P/T Mobile screening available Locations of mobile screening Frequency of mobile unit availability Primary populations served
BC Throughout BC One to four times per year, depending on area population Rural and remote communities, including Indigenous and underserved communities, and correctional facilities
AB 120 communities throughout Alberta Rotation schedules of one to two years Rural and remote communities, Indigenous and underserved communities
SK ≈42 sites throughout the province Every two years it attends each site Rural, remote, and underserved communities
MB 90 locations across province over a biennial rotation One to two years All Manitoba rural, remote (winter road access only), and Indigenous communities, and underserved populations
ON Two mobile coaches: one travels throughout the Northwest region and the other in the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant region Mobile coaches operate throughout the year, with some seasonal modifications. Routes and locations are determined by the host hospital. More information can be found on the mobile screening webpage. Northwest: those living in rural and remote settings
Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant region: people with low income, poorer health outcomes and lack of access to traditional health care, primarily in urban settings
NS 30 mobile stops, generally beyond 50 km of the closest fixed site Mobile follows a set schedule annually, from March to November First Nations, African Nova Scotians, rural and remote communities

-YT, NT, NU, PE, NL: No information was provided at the time data were collected.