
Meet the advisors who guide our work.

To achieve the work of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control (the Strategy), the Partnership engages with advisors from across the country. These relationships foster collaboration and deepen the involvement of a cross-section of cancer and health system experts, clinicians, healthcare providers, patients, and families to inform the development and implementation of initiatives. As steward of the Strategy, the Partnership’s work is enriched through the involvement of those who devote their time, knowledge and expertise to further the shared priorities.

First Nations, Inuit and Métis advisors

First Nation, Inuit and Métis advisors provide advice and guidance regarding the Partnership’s work with First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

  • photo of Lea Bill
    Lea Bill
  • Lea Bill
    First Nations Advisor

    Lea Bill is Cree and originates from the Pelican Lake First Nation in Saskatchewan. Ms. Bill is a Registered Nurse and the Research and Oversight Engagement Project Manager at Alberta First Nations Information Governance Center. Ms. Bill is also the President of the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (C.I.N.A.). She has served as a Board Director for Aboriginal Nurses Association from 1990-1994 and as President from 1994-1999.

    As a Traditional practitioner, Ms. Bill applies an integrated approach to her practice combining her Indigenous knowledge with her nursing knowledge, bio-energy sciences and the research field.

    Ms. Bill has been leading people in native spiritual discovery processes for more than 25 years through ceremony, vision quests and teaching the beauty and the wisdom of indigenous technology, specifically the use and application of circle knowledge and natures wisdom. With more than 30 years of experience working in the health field in Community Health and Home Care, Ms. Bill continues to advocate for health equity for First Nation, Inuit and Métis peoples.

    Her nursing career has provided the opportunity to work in many First Nation communities, including the Northwest Territories at the local and the national level.

  • Warren Lewis
  • Warren Lewis
    First Nations Community Health Advisor

    Warren Lewis is Anishinaabe from the Wikwemikong Unceded Territory and is the Founder and Principal of the Indigenous Training Collective.

    Mr. Lewis is a respected professional, champion for empowerment, team builder and thought leader. He has years of leadership experience in the areas of recreation, health, education and public service. He maintains his grassroots connection to his home reserve of Wikwemikong where he grew up, which he credits for his strength and resilience, along with his family, his traditional teachings, and his Indigenous worldview.

    Mr. Lewis has worked with Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations which give him a unique perspective of how to walk and be successful in both worlds. He started the Indigenous Training Collective to offer Canadians a real-life glimpse into the Indigenous experience with a variety of relevant and necessary trainings.

    With a passion for Indigenous social justice and relationship-building, Mr. Lewis is a visionary and a catalyst for future change in reconciliation.


  • Lily Amagoalik
    Lily Amagoalik
  • Lily Amagoalik
    Inuit Advisor

    Lily Amagoalik was born and raised in Frobisher Bay, Northwest Territories, now known as Iqaluit, Nunavut. Ms.Amagoalik graduated from the Nunavut Nursing Program in 2004, then practiced in the ER. She is currently the Manager for Culture at Tungasuvvingat Inuit in Ottawa and a facilitator trainer for Inunnguiniq Parenting Program. Throughout her career in health care, she has worked with non-profit organizations within Canada including National Aboriginal Health Organization. Ms.Amagoalik is a strong advocate for Inuit culture, values and beliefs, and loves spending time with Inuit Elders and learning from them.

  • Judy Clark
    Judy Inugjuaq Clark
  • Judy Inugjuaq Clark
    Inuit Community Health Advisor

    Judy Inugjuaq Clark is originally from Churchill, Manitoba, and an Inuk beneficiary of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, Whale Cove, Nunavut. Her mother is Inuk and her father is of northern European descent. She currently works as Inuit Health Researcher at the Manitoba Inuit Association (MIA).

    Ms. Clark’s work is centred around the social determinants of Inuit health and Inuit Qujiminajatuqangit (or IQ Principles), and incorporating these principles and values into the programs at MIA. She is currently involved in projects like developing various housing initiatives in women and children’s shelter, transitional housing, Inuit child welfare and apprehensions, perinatal care, access to quality medical care and research, and planning an Inuit Health Clinic.

    Prior to MIA, Ms. Clark served as a nurse in the Inuit communities of Manitoba and Nunavut. She has 32 years of experience in mental health, community health and psychogeriatrics.

    Ms. Clark believes Inuit perspectives are essential in gathering research data to ensure Inuit-specific research and programming. She looks forward to working with Inuit Elders, knowledge keepers, Inuit community members, governments, and key partners to help make the changes that will enable Inuit families to be safe, healthy and well.

  • photo of Susie Hooper
    Susie Hooper
  • Susie Hooper
    Métis Advisor

    Susie Hooper is a proud Métis Citizen of Métis Nation British Columbia and a dedicated representative of her region and communities. Ms. Hooper has been serving her region and Métis communities as the Métis Nation British Columbia Northwest Regional Director since 2012. She also serves as the Minister of Health and Minister of Employment & Training with the Métis Nation British Columbia. Prior to this, Susie held the position of the Métis Women’s Regional Representative.

    Ms. Hooper’s tireless support and efforts through her volunteer work with and for her communities has been recognized by the Mayor of Smithers, BC, His Worship, Taylor Bachrach when she received the Citizen/Volunteer of the year award in 2016, at the Smithers Chamber of Commerce Community and Business Awards 2016.

  • Andre Letendre
    Andre Letendre
  • Andre Letendre
    Métis Community Health Advisor

    Andre Letendre is originally from Batoche but primarily grew up in Prince Albert and now lives in Saskatoon (all three are located in Saskatchewan). He is the second youngest among his seven siblings. Mr. Letendre’s educational background is in Human Justice and he has worked extensively with Nehiyawak and Nakawe Ketayak (both Elders). As a proud Michif, he raised his children and grandchildren to be proud of their culture and heritage.

    Mr. Letendre has always felt a calling to help those in need. When he began reconciling his life at the age of 32, he was drawn to the work of helping federal and provincial Indigenous prisoners, as well as providing support and guidance to those in his community who were struggling to improve their lives. Now that he is entering his Seventh Fire, he contributes his knowledge and wisdom to the healthcare system, and supports healthcare workers in providing services to First Nations and Métis patients, clients and residents.

    Humour and music were essential elements in Mr. Letendre’s healing journey. He applies them in his present work, wherever applicable.

Health equity advisors

Health Equity Advisors guide the Partnership’s efforts to achieve equitable access to quality cancer care for all people in Canada.

Clinical advisors

Clinical advisors assess and help design initiatives identified by cancer programs and jurisdictional partners to ensure that the projects deliver high quality, efficient care.

Screening advisors

Screening advisors guide the Partnership’s work in strengthening screening efforts and achieving equitable access to quality cancer screening across Canada.

Additional advisors

In addition to the groups above, the Partnership also works with other advisors to align efforts and drive the Strategy forward.