Data tables for the Eliminating cervical cancer in Canada digital report

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Cervical cancer rates in Canada

Age-standardized incidence rate (per 100,000) for cervical cancer, Canada, 1994 to 2018

Year Incidence
1994 10.5
1995 10.6
1996 10.6
1997 9.7
1998 9.7
1999 9.7
2000 9.3
2001 9
2002 9
2003 8.9
2004 8.7
2005 8.1
2006 8.1
2007 8.7
2008 8.4
2009 8.8
2010 8.8
2011 8.4
2012 7.9
2013 7.7
2014 7.9
2015 7.7
2016 8.1
2017 8.1
2018 8.3

Based on trends in age-standardized incidence rates per 100,000 for cervical cancer (females only) from 1994 to 2018, Canada.

Data source: Canadian Cancer Statistics Dashboard, Incidence Trends for Cervical Cancer (Females).

Age-standardized incidence rate (per 100,000) for cervical cancer, by jurisdiction, 2020

Jurisdiction Incidence rate
British Columbia 7.9
Alberta 8.2
Saskatchewan 8.1
Manitoba 10.1
Ontario 7.8
Quebec 8.0
New Brunswick 7.0
Nova Scotia 6.4
Prince Edward Island 7.1
Newfoundland and Labrador 7.4

Data for Canada includes all provinces/territories. Quebec 2020 data was carried forward from 2017 data, Nova Scotia 2020 data was carried forward from 2018 data. Cervical cancer cases in Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut were suppressed due to small numbers.

Data source: Canadian Cancer Registry, Statistics Canada.

Age-standardized incidence rate (per 100,000) for cervical cancer, by neighbourhood income quintile and residence location, Canada, 2016 to 2018 combined

Stratification Classification Age-standardized incidence rate
(per 100,000)
Neighbourhood income quintile Q1 – lowest 9.0
Neighbourhood income quintile Q2 8.5
Neighbourhood  income quintile Q3 8.7
Neighbourhood income quintile Q4 7.6
Neighbourhood income quintile Q5 – highest 7.3
Location Rural 9.4
Location Urban 8.0

Data for Canada includes all provinces/territories except Quebec.

Data source: Canadian Cancer Registry, Statistics Canada.

Projected age-standardized incidence rate (per 100,000) for cervical cancer by intervention type, 2018 to 2051

Year 50% 70% 90%
2018 8.4 8.6 8.6
2019 8.9 9 9
2020 8.9 8.9 8.9
2021 8.9 8.7 8.7
2022 9.3 9.7 9.7
2023 8.9 8.7 8.7
2024 8.9 8.9 8.9
2025 7.7 7.5 7.5
2026 9.8 9.9 9.8
2027 9.4 9.2 9
2028 9.4 9.3 9
2029 7.4 7.2 7
2030 7.4 7.4 7.1
2031 8.2 7.9 7.4
2032 6.3 6.6 6.1
2033 6 5.7 5.3
2034 6.6 6.2 5.7
2035 5.7 5.1 4.7
2036 5.6 5.3 4.8
2037 6.1 5.9 5.2
2038 5.4 5.1 4.5
2039 5.7 5.3 4.8
2040 5.5 5 4.3
2041 5.1 5.1 4.5
2042 5.1 4.8 4.2
2043 5.3 5.1 4.2
2044 5.3 4.6 3.9
2045 5.2 4.9 4.1
2046 5.3 5 4.4
2047 5.4 4.3 3.6
2048 4.7 4.3 3.7
2049 5.2 4.6 3.6
2050 4.8 4.3 3.7
2051 5.1 4.3 3.4


  • 50%: of people in universal school-based vaccination programs vaccinated from 2026 onwards + implementation of HPV primary screening from 2025 onwards*
  • 70%: of people in universal school-based vaccination programs vaccinated from 2026 onwards + implementation of HPV primary screening from 2025 onwards*
  • 90%: of people in universal school-based vaccination programs vaccinated from 2026 onwards + 90% of people outside school-based vaccination programs vaccinated up to age 45 by 2025 + implementation of HPV primary screening from 2025 onwards*

*Increasing HPV vaccination rates must be combined with the implementation of HPV primary screening and improved follow-up of screening results to eliminate cervical cancer.

Progress on HPV vaccination in Canada

HPV vaccination rates by province/territory (years vary)

Province/Territory* Year Vaccination rate** Additional context
British Columbia 2018-19 Females: 66.1%
Males: 63.5%
The vaccination rate refers to the percentage of Grade 6 students who received two doses of HPV vaccination, by sex.
Alberta 2021 Females: 42.6%
Males: 40.9%
The vaccination rate refers to the percentage of people who received a full course of HPV vaccination by age 13, by sex.
Saskatchewan 2017 Females: 69.1% The vaccination rate refers to the percentage of female Grade 6 students who received a final dose of HPV vaccination in the reported school year.
Manitoba 2021 Females by age 13: 58.5%
Males by age 13: 57.3
Females by age 17: 72.6%
The vaccination rate refers to the percentage of children within a reporting year who have received all required doses of the HPV vaccine, by sex and age.
Ontario 2021-22 12-year olds: 15.6%
17-year olds: 64.1%
The vaccination rate refers to the percentage of children up-to-date with the HPV vaccine in the reported school year, by age.
Quebec 2022-23 Females: 85.0%
Males: 82%
The vaccination rate refers to the percentage of students in secondary 3 who received a final dose of HPV vaccination in the reported school year, by sex.
New Brunswick 2022-23 Females: 73.0%
Males: 66.3%
The vaccination rate refers to the percentage of Grade 7 students who received a full course of HPV vaccination, by sex.
Nova Scotia 2020-21 Females: 74.9%
Males: 71.9%
Overall: 73.1%
The vaccination rate refers to the percentage of Grade 7 students who received a full course of HPV vaccination in the reported school year, by sex and overall.
Prince Edward Island 2020 Females: 85.0%
Males: 83.5%
The vaccination rate refers to the percentage of people who received a full course of HPV vaccination, by sex.
Newfoundland and Labrador 2019-20 Females: 93.4%
Males: 91.4%
Overall: 92.4%
The vaccination rate refers to the percentage of Grade 6 students who received a final dose of HPV vaccination in the reported school year, by sex and overall.

Note: Data not currently available for Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Efforts are underway in the territories to build analytic capacity and measurement and reporting capabilities.

*Each province and territory has provided its own content and measures this indicator differently. Because of these differences, data cannot be compared across provinces/territories. Quebec data was gathered from the February 2024 Flash Vigie report.

**All provinces and territories (except Quebec) administer GARDASIL®9 on a two- or three-dose schedule according to the National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommended immunization schedule for HPV vaccines. People under the age of 15 are given two doses.

Percentage of women (aged 18+) with cervical precancer as their most severe Pap test result in a 12-month timeframe, by age group, 2012 to 2018

Year Age 18 to 24 Age 25 to 44 Age 45 to 69 Age 70+
2012 0.704 0.535 0.162 0.334
2013 0.774 0.568 0.188 0.388
2014 0.706 0.551 0.176 0.366
2015 0.667 0.545 0.157 0.41
2016 0.589 0.585 0.186 0.431
2017 0.509 0.658 0.2 0.531
2018 0.467 0.623 0.187 0.452

Data source: Provincial and territorial cervical cancer screening programs

Percentage of 14-year old children vaccinated for HPV, by neighbourhood income quintile (before tax), Canada, 2021

Neighbourhood income quintile Percent (%)
Q1 – lowest 85.0
Q2 80.2
Q3 82.3
Q4 81.0
Q5 – highest 89.3

Data source: Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey, Statistics Canada

Percentage of 14-year old children vaccinated for HPV, by location, Canada, 2021

Location Percent (%)
Rural – very remote 91.7
Rural – remote 83.7
Rural 75.0
Urban 84.3

Data source: Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey, Statistics Canada

Projected age-standardized incidence rate (per 100,000) for cervical cancer by level of HPV vaccination uptake, 2018 to 2051

Year 50% 70% 90%
2018 8.4 8.6 8.6
2019 8.9 9 9
2020 8.9 8.9 8.9
2021 8.9 8.7 8.7
2022 9.3 9.7 9.7
2023 8.9 8.7 8.7
2024 8.9 8.9 8.9
2025 7.7 7.5 7.5
2026 9.8 9.9 9.9
2027 9.4 9.2 9.2
2028 9.4 9.3 9.3
2029 7.4 7.2 7.2
2030 7.4 7.4 7.4
2031 8.2 7.9 7.9
2032 6.3 6.6 6.6
2033 6 5.7 5.7
2034 6.6 6.2 6.2
2035 5.7 5.1 5.1
2036 5.6 5.3 5.3
2037 6.1 5.9 5.9
2038 5.4 5.1 5.1
2039 5.7 5.3 5.3
2040 5.5 5 5
2041 5.1 5.1 5.1
2042 5.1 4.8 4.8
2043 5.3 5.1 5
2044 5.3 4.6 4.5
2045 5.2 4.9 4.9
2046 5.3 5 4.9
2047 5.4 4.3 4.3
2048 4.7 4.3 4.3
2049 5.2 4.6 4.5
2050 4.8 4.3 4.2
2051 5.1 4.3 4.3


  • 50%: of people in universal school-based vaccination programs vaccinated from 2024 onwards + implementation of HPV primary screening from 2025 onwards*
  • 70%: of people in universal school-based vaccination programs vaccinated from 2024 onwards + implementation of HPV primary screening from 2025 onwards*
  • 90%: of people in universal school-based vaccination programs vaccinated from 2024 onwards + implementation of HPV primary screening from 2025 onwards*

*Increasing HPV vaccination rates must be combined with the implementation of HPV primary screening and improved follow-up of screening results to eliminate cervical cancer.

Current state of cervical screening

Cervical screening coverage and program status

Jurisdiction Program status* Screening coverage (%)**
British Columbia Organized population based screening 74.9
Alberta Organized population based screening 81.2
Saskatchewan Organized population based screening 80.2
Manitoba Organized population based screening 80.8
Ontario Organized population based screening 78.5
Quebec Program announced or planned 70.1
New Brunswick Organized population based screening 80.2
Nova Scotia Organized population based screening 80.6
Prince Edward Island Organized population based screening 71.3
Newfoundland and Labrador Organized population based screening 83.5
Yukon Opportunistic screening 0
Northwest Territories Program announced or planned 0
Nunavut Opportunistic screening 0

*Each province and territory provided its program status as of October 2023.

**Age standardized to 2011 Canadian population. Denominator excludes women who have had a hysterectomy. Data source: Statistics Canada. Canadian Community Health Survey

Data source: Statistics Canada. Canadian Community Health Survey

Percentages of women (aged 21-69) reporting at least one Pap test in the past three years, 2017

Stratification Classification Coverage rate (%)
Neighbourhood income quintile Q1 – lowest 66.2
Neighbourhood income quintile Q2 73.3
Neighbourhood income quintile Q3 79.9
Neighbourhood income quintile Q4 80.9
Neighbourhood income quintile Q5 – highest 82.4
Immigration status <10 years 63.5
Immigration status ≥10 years 75.3
Immigration status Canadian born 78.8
Location Rural – very remote 75.8
Location Rural – remove 72.5
Location Rural 75.4
Location Urban 77.1

Age standardized to 2011 Canadian population. Denominator excludes women who have had a hysterectomy.

Data source: Statistics Canada. Canadian Community Health Survey

HPV primary screening progress

HPV screening in Canada, 2024

Jurisdiction Level of implementation Additional context
British Columbia Partial implementation Plans for HPV self-screening
Alberta Planning for implementation Plans for HPV self-screening
Saskatchewan Planning for implementation
Manitoba Planning for implementation Plans for HPV self-screening
Ontario Planning for implementation
Quebec Planning for implementation
New Brunswick Planning for implementation Plans for HPV self-screening
Nova Scotia Planning for implementation Plans for HPV self-screening
Prince Edward Island Jurisdiction-wide implementation Plans for HPV self-screening
Newfoundland and Labrador Planning for implementation
Yukon Planning for implementation
Northwest Territories Planning for implementation Plans for HPV self-screening
Nunavut No current HPV primary screening activities

Each province and territory provided its implementation status as of January 2024.

HPV Positive Screen Follow-Up

Projected colposcopy demand, 2023 to 2053

Description: Colposcopy demand modelling projections using the OncoSim-Cervix tool. Implementation follows an age-based approach (aged >50 first, followed by aged >40, and lastly aged >= 25).

Year Age-based transition over 7y to HPV testing every 5y Age-based transition over 3y to HPV testing every 5y Immediate transition to HPV testing every 5y Pap testing every 3y
2023 228,413 228,413 228,413 228,413
2024 228,082 228,082 283,970 218,505
2025 214,871 226,910 294,098 205,529
2026 212,674 256,232 287,664 202,594
2027 204,726 248,502 185,089 201,765
2028 184,421 202,890 84,475 198,033
2029 204,409 148,703 145,072 199,433
2030 205,588 127,720 207,359 198,680
2031 173,033 162,935 213,191 194,865
2032 170,163 180,014 146,367 193,906
2033 140,032 150,163 78,961 193,379
2034 120,478 115,400 119,929 188,920
2035 123,717 106,276 156,689 187,671
2036 121,582 129,411 158,331 187,240
2037 128,180 138,155 112,622 186,074
2038 113,155 117,417 67,987 186,126
2039 102,986 93,391 100,270 184,868
2040 104,833 92,091 129,306 182,941
2041 100,173 109,994 129,669 183,686
2042 107,571 117,845 95,914 183,447
2043 98,089 100,580 62,500 182,986
2044 90,279 81,050 89,881 183,557
2045 89,967 80,051 110,600 184,639
2046 85,064 94,490 109,970 184,569
2047 92,247 101,875 83,839 184,093
2048 88,254 91,485 59,986 185,243
2049 82,916 75,103 82,579 185,121
2050 82,515 72,400 98,628 187,127
2051 78,350 84,321 96,972 186,651
2052 83,185 90,874 76,783 185,046
2053 78,185 82,189 57,428 184,944