Cancer Risk Management Initiative launched
October 24, 2008
The Partnership’s Cancer Risk Management Initiative is underway with an expert advisory committee in place and a Request for Proposals issued.

The committee is co-chaired by Dr. Anthony Miller, Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, and Lee Fairclough, Vice-President, Knowledge Management, at the Partnership.
The advisory committee includes senior health and cancer system leaders, experts in biostatistics, health economics, epidemiology, clinical care and public and private sector finance.
The long-term strategy for this initiative is developing a system to model impact on programs in cancer control. A component is a comprehensive, electronic tool that forecasts the macroeconomic and disease burden impacts of programs across the continuum of cancer control.
“Our goal is to develop a useful, practical modeling method for use nationally and in the provinces to support decision making,” says Ms. Fairclough.
The Partnership has requested full proposals from a shortlist of teams to build a foundational platform to forecast the disease burden and macroeconomic impacts of cancer control in the following initial priority areas:
- cancer prevention
- cancer screening (cervical and HPV vaccination, breast, colorectal*)
- new cancer treatments
- palliative care
*Note: Work has already been initiated to model the disease burden impacts of colorectal cancer screening. To complement this work, the RFP is seeking additional modeling work to forecast the macroeconomic impacts of colorectal cancer screening.
Cancer Risk Management Advisory Committee
Committee members
- Dr. Anthony Miller, Co-Chair, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto and Consultant, Division of Cancer Prevention, U.S. National Cancer Institute
- Lee Fairclough, Co-Chair, VP, Knowledge Management, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
- Helen Angus, VP, Planning & Strategic Implementation, Cancer Care Ontario
- Jean-Marie Berthelot, VP, Programs, Canadian Institute for Health Information
- Jacques Brisson, Researcher, Centre de Recherche, Hôpital du Saint-Sacrement, Laval University
- Dr. Adalsteinn Brown, Assistant Deputy Minister, Health System Strategy Division, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Dr. Andy Coldman, Provincial Leader, Population & Preventive Oncology, BC Cancer Agency
- Dr. Anthony Fields, Executive Lead, VP of Medical Affairs and Community Oncology, Alberta Health Services
- Dr. Eva Grunfeld, Director, Cancer Outcomes Research, Cancer Care Nova Scotia
- Dr. Steven Heitman, Gastroenterologist and Researcher, Calgary Health Region
- Dr. Jon Kerner, Chair, Primary Prevention Action Group and the Partnership’s senior scientific advisor for cancer control and knowledge translation
- Steven Ottaway, Head, Healthcare Investment Banking, GMP Securities Ltd.
- Dr. Stuart Peacock, Director, Health Economics & Cancer Research Program, University of British Columbia
- Arlene Wilgosh, Deputy Minister of Health and Healthy Living for Manitoba