First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Advisors on the significance of National Indigenous Peoples Day

Advisors Lea Bill, Susie Hooper and Lily Amagoalik share their thoughts on National Indigenous Peoples Day

In celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21) and the National Indigenous History Month of June, the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer asked the three advisors what makes June 21 special.

From left: Susie Hooper (Métis Advisor), Lily Amagoalik (Inuit Advisor) and Lea Bill (First Nations Advisor).

For me, it is a time of reflection. It is also a time for celebration of the wins we’ve had. It’s a time when we can showcase our strengths. It’s an opportunity for us to really demonstrate who we are as peoples and what we can contribute to the Canadian society. [A day] where we can co-celebrate with settlers around the beauty and wonder of our culture.”

– Lea Bill, First Nations Advisor

It is a day of celebration and day of community, a day of sharing and a day of enjoying each other’s company. It’s about working together with the First Nations and the Inuit to celebrate all of us on that day.

– Susie Hooper, Métis Advisor

National Indigenous Peoples Day for me means that we get to celebrate and show the world how the Inuit celebrate our culture. It’s our time to celebrate, to eat together, to dance together, to sing together, and to come together to start healing from the colonial past that we have suffered in such a short period of time.”

– Lily Amagoalik, Inuit Advisor

Watch their interview: