Influencing global change at 2018 World Cancer Congress
September 27, 2018
The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) will host the 25th World Cancer Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, bringing together the global cancer and public health community to learn and share best practices for improving cancer control. The congress takes place every two years and provides an opportunity for the world’s leading cancer control groups to have important discussions on the future of international cancer control.
This year, the Partnership is supporting the new “Abstract Hub – The Forum for Knowledge Mobilization.” The Hub provides a physical meeting space for delegates to engage in conversations, interact with peers and explore abstracts from around the world. Selected abstracts will be published online as a supplemental resource in the Journal of Global Oncology.
“The Abstract Hub will equip delegates with the information and tools needed to strengthen local health systems, and to drive innovation in their home jurisdictions,” said Cindy Morton, CEO of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. “Most importantly, it will help improve our collective understanding of how to tackle some of the biggest challenges impacting the health of Canadians.”
The Partnership is contributing to conversations at the congress through abstracts, discussion panels and symposiums based on work done in Canada.
Since 2007, the Partnership has improved outcomes of complex cancer surgery through national standards, promoted healthy food environments through local policy changes and created OncoSim, a cost/benefit analysis tool to help decision-makers evaluate the clinical and economic impacts of various cancer control strategies.
Presenters will suggest ways to improve national cancer control through collaboration and partnerships. In addition, the Partnership will shine the spotlight on priority areas such as colon cancer screening and adolescents and young adults with cancer.
The outcomes of Partnership-led initiatives will be presented at the congress to support global leaders as they influence change in their home countries. In exchange, the Partnership will bring back international advice to help with the refresh of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control.
View the congress program for a full list of the Partnership’s activities and attendance at the event.
To stay informed about the 2018 World Cancer Congress, follow the Partnership on social media and the event hashtags #CancerCongress and #2018WCC.