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- Pages
- Home
- About Us
- What we do
- Who we are
- Board of Directors
- Executive team
- Advisors
- Public and patient engagement
- First Nations, Inuit and Métis
- The Partnership’s commitment to reconciliation
- Foundational work
- A Journey in the Big Land: Enhancing Cancer Care Services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Labrador
- Advancing Improvements in Continuity of Cancer Care for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Patients in Rural and Remote Communities
- Believe in Our Healing Journey: Supporting Continuity of Care for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Cancer Patients in the Northwest Territories – The Care Project
- Culturally Adapted, Quality Care and Services for Inuit and Cree Patients with Cancer from Northern Québec
- First Nation Data Linkage – Kenora Chiefs Advisory
- First Nations and Métis Cancer Surveillance Program
- Improving the Continuity of First Nations and Inuit Cancer Care in Manitoba
- Improving the Journey for Elsipogtog First Nation Patients Along the Cancer Care Continuum
- Increased Access to Culturally Safe Cancer Care Pathways by Alberta First Nations in Rural Remote and Isolated Communities
- Walk a Mile in My Moccasins – Advancing the First Nations and Métis Cancer Journey in the Yukon
- Current work
- Corporate publications
- Media centre
- Canadian Global Cancer Network member organizations
- Cancer Strategy
- Acknowledgements
- Download centre
- Ending cervical cancer in Canada is possible
- Helping patients with cancer to quit smoking
- How is my province or territory doing?
- Implementing lung cancer screening
- Improving cancer care for First Nations, Inuit and Métis
- References for overview information on priorities
- Strategic priorities
- Developing the Peoples-specific, self-determined priorities and indicators
- Priorities and indicators
- Can First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, organizations and governments identify citizens in federal, provincial and territorial health and cancer databases in order to measure what matters to them?
- Did you feel your care provider treated you with respect?
- Did your loved one receive culturally appropriate palliative and end-of-life care?
- Was the medical terminology communicated accessibly?
- Was there integration of traditional foods for those wishing to have it?
- Was there integration of traditional medicine for those wishing to have it?
- Were you able to access care and resources in your preferred language?
- Were you able to have family and community supports with you during your cancer journey?
- Were you able to receive care close to home?
- What research and data are available on environmental contaminants for your community?
- How are First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities’ research ethics respected and their voices included throughout the research process?
- What First Nations, Inuit and Métis-led cancer research opportunities are there?
- Are there meaningful engagement and collaboration processes according to First Nations, Inuit and Métis which advance their self-determined data and research initiatives to improve cancer care outcomes? What do those look like?
- What mechanisms are in place to uphold data sovereignty for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples? How are your First Nations, Inuit and Métis research and data governance frameworks, policies or protocols being implemented?
- Decrease the risk of people getting cancer
- Diagnose cancer faster, accurately and at an earlier stage
- Deliver high-quality care in a sustainable, world-class system
- Deliver information and supports for people living with cancer, families and caregivers
- Eliminate barriers to people getting the care they need
- Culturally appropriate care closer to home
- Peoples-specific, self-determined care
- First Nations-, Inuit- and Métis-governed research and data systems
- Taking action to eliminate cervical cancer
- What is the Strategy?
- CPAC-HEC program to support at-home palliative care by paramedics saved money, time and trips to emergency rooms
- Data tables for the Eliminating cervical cancer in Canada digital report
- Data tables for the monitoring and evaluation of breast cancer screening quality indicators report
- Experiences of Cancer Patients in Transition Study
- First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Advisors on the significance of National Indigenous Peoples Day
- How communities across Canada are advancing equity-driven palliative care for precariously-housed people
- Image preview
- Life after cancer: Transforming the post-treatment experience
- Living with Cancer: A Report on the Patient Experience
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- Meet clinical advisors Dr. Sian Shuel and Dr. Christian Finley
- Models of Care Funding Initiative Information Page
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- Remuneration
- Remuneration
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- Supplementary data: Alberta
- Supplementary data: British Columbia
- Supplementary data: Canada
- Supplementary data: Manitoba
- Supplementary data: New Brunswick
- Supplementary data: Newfoundland and Labrador
- Supplementary data: Nova Scotia
- Supplementary data: Ontario
- Supplementary data: Prince Edward Island
- Supplementary data: Quebec
- Supplementary data: Saskatchewan
- Survivorship
- Testing Server Time
- Text description of chart comparing target versus actual Abnormal Call Rates and Cancer Detection Rates
- Text description of graph comparing international Abnormal Call Rates
- Text description of graph comparing international Cancer Detection Rates
- Text description of graph on subsequent breast cancer screens by province and territory
- Text descriptions and data tables for the Road to Recovery: Cancer in the COVID-19 era report
- Text descriptions and footnotes for physical activity policies report
- Text descriptions and footnotes for the monitoring and evaluation of colorectal cancer screening quality indicators report
- Text descriptions and footnotes for the Road to Recovery: Cancer in the COVID-19 era report
- Text descriptions for graphics on alcohol policies
- Text descriptions for graphics on HPV immunization policies
- Text descriptions for graphics on HPV primary screening and abnormal screen results
- Text descriptions for graphics on smoking cessation in cancer care
- Topics
- World Indigenous Cancer Conference 2024: Insights and reflections
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- AODA compliance
- AODA compliance — preview
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