Cervical cancer screening in Canada: 2021/2022

Cervical cancer screening guidelines

Provinces and territories recommend that cervical screening begin at age 21 or 25, continue until age 65 to 70 and occur every two to three years. The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care recommends screening participants aged 25-69 every three years, and organized cervical screening programs in BC, AB, NS and PE have increased their cervical screening start age to 25 to reflect these guidelines. NB and NL are currently considering this change.

We updated these guidelines!

See current cervical screening guidelines for 2023-24.

Provincial and territorial screening guidelines

P/T Start age Interval Stop age Plans to increase cervical screening start age to 25
YT* No organized screening program available
NT 21 Annual until 3 consecutive negative tests then every 2 years 69 No current plans
NU 21 if sexually active 3 years 70 with adequate negative cytology screening history in previous 10 years (i.e. 3 or more negative cytology tests) No current plans
BC 25 3 years 69 Implemented change in 2016
AB 25 3 years 69 Implemented change in 2016
SK 21 or 3 years post first sexual contact, whichever occurs later 2 years until 3 consecutive negative tests then every 3 years 69 No current plans
MB 21 3 years 70 with adequate negative screening history in previous 10 years (i.e. 3 or more negative tests) No current plans
ON 21 if sexually active^ 3 years 70 with adequate negative screening history in previous 10 years (i.e. 3 or more negative tests) Will formally change the age of initiation for cervical screening from 21 to 25 with the implementation of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing in the program
QC~ 21 2-3 years 65 with 2 negative tests in previous 10 years No current plans
NB** 21 or 3 years post first sexual contact, whichever occurs later Annual until 3 consecutive negative tests then every 2-3 years 69 with adequate negative screening history in previous 10 years or 3 negative tests (for participants with little/no screening history) Under consideration
NS 25 3 years 70 Implemented change in 2019
PE 25 3 years 65 with adequate negative screening history in previous 10 years (i.e. 3 or more negative tests) Implemented change in 2020
NL 21 Annual until 3 consecutive negative tests then every 3 years 70 with adequate negative screening history in previous 10 years (i.e. 3 or more negative tests) Under consideration

YT: *Yukon will be following BC’s start age of 25 years.
ON: ^Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario) is encouraging primary care providers to start cervical screening for patients at age 25 based on moderate quality evidence suggesting that people under age 25 do not benefit from cervical screening. The program will formally change the age of initiation for cervical screening from 21 to 25 with the implementation of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing.
QC: ~We are currently working on a screening pathway for cervical cancer using HPV as primary test (report expected in 2021). This report will also include recommendations that might impact start and stop age as well as screening interval.
NB: **To be evaluated as part of the ‘Elimination of Cervical Partner Projects’ with CPAC.