Cervical screening in Canada, 2023-24

Cervical screening recruitment methods in Canada

Six provinces use initial letters of invitation as a recruitment method for their cervical screening programs. In Newfoundland and Labrador, invitation letters are pending, and in Manitoba a letter of invitation is sent to eligible but never-screened individuals. The British Columbia program leverages recall notices when participants are due to screen again.

Cervical screening recruitment strategies

Province/Territory Recruitment strategy
YT* No organized screening program available
NT No organized screening program available
NU No organized screening program available
BC Provincial awareness and advertising
Recall notices are sent to participants when due to screen again
AB Initial letter of invitation
SK Initial letter of invitation
Reminder after invitation letter is sent six months from date of initial invitation letter
MB A letter of invitation is sent to eligible^ participants that have never been screened
Recall letters are sent to people in three years if they are due and eligible to return
Reminder letters are sent two months after an invite or recall if no Pap has taken place
ON Letter of invitation and reminder is sent in four months to non-responders
Recall letters are sent to people in three years.
QC No organized screening program available
NB Initial and reminder letter of invitation to eligible population are combined with social media awareness promotion campaigns
NL Cervical Screening Initiatives Program seeks to create awareness and promote access to cervical cancer screening throughout NL. This is achieved through engagement strategies and provision of access to service grants for PCPs. An Invitation process is being considered for future initiatives.

*YT: YT plans to provide letters of invitation.
^MB: A person is eligible to receive an invitation letter if they are a Manitoba resident who has been in the CervixCheck registry for a minimum of five years and has no Pap test or colposcopy records, no record of a total hysterectomy, and no record of invasive gynecological cancer.

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