Colorectal screening in Canada, 2023-24

Initial colorectal screening referral strategies

All provinces and territories have strategies to refer people to colorectal screening. Many jurisdictions require a referral from a physician prior to distribution of a screening kit, while others distribute kits to eligible individuals with a mailed invitation letter or after an invitation letter has been sent. Participants can also access a screening kit by contacting some screening programs directly or requesting a test online.

Initial colorectal screening referral strategies

P/T Physician referral Other healthcare provider referral(e.g., NP, community health nurse) Self-referral FIT kit distribution at public events Referral through other screening programs Mailed invitation letters Kit automatically sent to participants Referral through program website
NT ✓* ✓*
BC ✓^
AB ✓~ ✓**
ON ✓‡ ✓***
QC^^ ✓#
PE ✓+
NL ✓‡‡

*NT: In regions where the organized screening program has been rolled out
^BC: NPs are the same as providers in BC and can order laboratory tests and refer to specialists. Tests need to be ordered by someone with a valid practitioner number, regardless of professional designation.
~AB: Clients can complete a self-assessment questionnaire online to determine eligibility. Individuals who meet FIT’s average risk criteria and are currently due for screening will be mailed a test directly to their home
**AB: Starting January 2022, Albertans receive a letter invitation to get screened when they turn 50
‡ON: NPs, Health Canada nurses at nursing stations, staff on mobile coaches
***ON: FIT kit can be requested by phone via Health811
^^QC: Currently working on expanding access to opportunistic screening for people who cannot easily see a PCP
#QC: Nurse
+PE: Any healthcare provider
‡‡NL: The program will accept self-referrals at public engagement events and mail a screening kit to clients

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