Eliminating cervical cancer in Canada

What’s next for HPV vaccination?

The following actions to improve and expand HPV vaccination are happening now:

  • The Urban Public Health Network is working with partners across Canada, including First Nations, Inuit and Métis organizations, to uncover barriers to HPV vaccination and implement community-specific solutions to increase uptake.
  • Several First Nations, Inuit and Métis governments, organizations and communities have identified increasing HPV vaccination rates as a key priority and are leading efforts to address longstanding barriers and inequities to improve cervical cancer prevention and care.
  • Provinces, territories, public health programs, community organizations and health researchers are considering solutions to improve HPV vaccination rates including:
    • expanding eligibility for the publicly funded vaccine;
    • increasing physical access points for the vaccine and the health professionals who can deliver it;
    • hiring and allocating more staff to deliver more vaccines;
    • improving awareness and knowledge of HPV and the vaccine and encouraging public confidence in its safety and efficacy;
    • improving program delivery models and supports (e.g., better vaccine reminders, clearer consent processes, better vaccine registries);
    • improving capacity for the safe collection and reporting of equity-focused data;
    • using anti-racist, anti-discriminatory and anti-stigmatizing approaches to improve the public’s trust of healthcare providers and the public health system;
    • sharing learnings from local intervention evaluations.

Hear more from experts on what is needed to improve HPV vaccination rates and get Canada back on track to eliminating it.