Palliative care competency framework

Skills self-assessments by discipline and other resources

The Framework includes a tailored set of downloadable skills self-assessment tools for the six healthcare provider disciplines – nurses, general physicians, social workers, personal support workers*, volunteers and spiritual care professionals. These tools will help individuals, supervisors, and other providers and volunteers assess specific competencies, identify healthcare provider learning needs, customize continuing education plans to build skills and improve the delivery of palliative care, and monitor progress toward providing high-quality palliative care in multiple settings.

Competencies related to caring for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis are included in the self-assessment tools to identify learning needs and monitor progress towards providing high-quality palliative care to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. It is important to consider when caring for underserviced populations, including First Nations, Inuit, and Métis, that cultural safety is not a skill to master but rather a life-long learning process that leads to providing a higher quality of care.

icon for personal support workerPersonal support workers


Skills self-assessment

spiritual care workers iconSpiritual care professionals


Skills self-assessment

Educational resources 

The following organizations are listed in the educational resources section of the Framework to direct healthcare providers and volunteers to organizations that provide or curate up-to-date educational resources in palliative care. These resources can be used as one tool for tailoring learning plans and improving the practice of palliative care.

*Across Canada, in different provinces and territories, and in different settings, personal support workers may be identified as continuing care assistants, healthcare assistants, nursing assistants, and by other similar titles. In this Framework, the title of personal support workers has been used for simplicity; however, this title is referring to all titles that refer to this discipline.