Models of Care (MOC) Initiative Level Evaluation

Through the Models of Care (MOC) funding Initiative, CPAC is providing pan-Canadian funding to support jurisdictions in implementing and evaluating innovative models of care to improve equity, quality and efficiency of cancer care delivery across the country. This funding is intended to advance Priorities 2, 3 and 5 of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control, and to support the implementation of models that address on one or more of the following areas of the cancer continuum: early diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and palliative care. There is a particular focus on co-developing models with equity-denied communities and people who are systemically excluded from the health system, which includes commitments to reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities.

CPAC is seeking a vendor to support the design and implementation of an initiative level evaluation that will be designed to tell a Pan-Canadian story of impact as a result of the Models of Care funding initiative. This includes wanting to understand what worked well and what could be improved, who benefitted and who did not, lessons learned to support future decision making, and ultimately speaking to what has changed in the cancer system as a result of this Models of Care funding initiative. As such, CPAC has initiated a two-pronged performance measurement and evaluation (PME) approach:

  1. Individual Partner Project Evaluations
  2. Initiative Level Evaluation

Other Information

Proponents should download the Request for Proposal RFP NO. 460-2024-02  directly from Biddingo™.
Proponents should forward all enquiries and other communications, via Biddingo™ only.
Proponents must submit the Proposal in electronic copy in Microsoft Word format or portable document format (PDF) through Biddingo™ before the Proposal Submission Deadline.

Bid Details

RFP NO. 460-2024-02



Proposal Submission Deadline:

RFP Issue Date:
Friday April 26, 2024

Questions and Requests for Clarification to be Submitted in writing via Biddingo™:
May 8, 2024

Response to Proponent Questions and Addenda Deadline:
May 17, 2024

RFP Submission Deadline:
Tuesday May 28, 2024, 12:00 pm EST

Oral Presentations:
June 17-24, 2024

Anticipated Tentative Award Date:
Second week of July 2024

Anticipated Tentative Agreement Start Date:
August 2024