Consultation and engagement activities for the refresh of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control (CSCC)

Special Notice – Clarification

The Partnership would be responsible for translation costs, other than simultaneous translation.

In 2006, the federal government funded the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control (CSCC) and established the Partnership to guide its implementation in collaboration with organizations and individuals involved in the delivery of cancer care across the country. Canada’s cancer strategy was developed over a 10-year period starting in the late 1990s and involved over 700 Canadians, including health professionals, re-searchers, academics, health system leaders and patient advocates. Since then, much has changed in the landscape and broader healthcare sector.

The federal government is seeking the Partnership’s leadership to undertake efforts to refresh the Strategy and to provide Canada and its cancer control community with a vision for the future, and a robust and modernized cancer strategy for the 21st century.

This undertaking is an exciting opportunity engage partners, including key leaders in cancer control, stakeholders in the broader healthcare system, patients and the public to shape Canada’s cancer control vision for the future, define the role of a cancer strategy in a federated model of health care delivery, and co-create a plan to further improve cancer care and delivery across the country. This includes shaping a vision for a refreshed strategy that adapts and responds to new pressures and emerging opportunities, as well as considers new ways to address difficult challenges that have not shown as much progress via efforts to date.

This is also an opportunity to increase the number of professional champions from coast to coast to coast through increased collective ownership of outcomes to ensure fewer Canadians develop cancer, fewer Canadians die from cancer, and a better quality of life for Canadians who have cancer.

The Partnership is seeking a firm to oversee the end-to-end efforts associated with driving public and patient engagement activities, and advising and supporting staff consultations with current partners and stakeholders. This would include designing, planning, training, executing, managing and reporting on engagement and consultation efforts across the country.

Proactively engaging the Canadian public, including patients with cancer, in a significant way, is a first of its kind opportunity and one that will require creative and proven methodologies. The ultimate outcome of the initiative is to develop and launch a refreshed national cancer strategy by June 2019 that will be shared with the federal Minister of Health, as well as her provincial and territorial counterparts.

Proponents should reference this RFP number (RP313-2018-02) in the subject line of their correspondence.


Other Information

A recording of the vendor information session on May 22, 2018 is available for viewing.

Bid Details

RFP No. RP313-2018-02


Awarded to H+K Strategies

Issue date

May 8, 2018

Proposal Submission Deadline:

Deadine for Letter of Intent: Friday, May 18, 2018 no later than 5:00 p.m. local Toronto time
Vendor Information Session: Tuesday, May 22, 2018, 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. local Toronto time
Deadline for Proponent Enquiries: Thursday, May 24, 2018 no later than 5:00 p.m. local Toronto time
Deadline for Issuing Addenda & Responses to Proponent Enquiries: Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Proposal Submission Deadline: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 no later than 3:00 p.m. local Toronto time
Interviews: Monday, June 18, 2018

Proponents Enquires e-mail: