Strategic Planning Consultant

The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer is at the mid-point of its current 5 year (2022-2027 business plan), as well as the mid-point of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control (2019-2029). Planning for the next five-year business plan (2027-2032) will begin in the fall of 2025. In preparation for that process, CPAC is looking to review and assess its business model, including its key domains of work, financial strategy, planning cycle, approach to funding partners, and organizational structure.

Scope of Work & General Requirements 

CPAC anticipates the work will be conducted in two phases:

Phase 1

Strategic vision & direction setting: refreshing CPAC’s business strategy

Timeline: August 2024 to February 2025

Desired outcome: Delivery of a clear multi-year business strategy that includes direction and vision for CPAC that is aligned with and supportive of the CSCC, but distinct from it. Includes integration of feedback and direction from CPAC’s board of directors.

Phase 2

Evolution of corporate processes and roadmaps to enable the refreshed business strategy

Estimated timeline: March 2025-August 2025, with possibility of extension if required

Desired outcome: Using the information and direction received from Phase 1, support the evolution of critical strategies to deliver on the refreshed business strategy.

Other Information

Proponents should download the Request for Proposal RFP NO. 300-2024-01 directly from Biddingo™.
Proponents should forward all enquiries and other communications, via Biddingo™ only.
Proponents must submit the Proposal in electronic copy in Microsoft Word format or portable document format (PDF) through Biddingo™ before the Proposal Submission Deadline.

Bid Details

RFP NO. 300-2024-01



Proposal Submission Deadline:

Questions and Requests for Clarification to be Submitted in writing via Biddingo™ (see Section 2.5.1 (Submission)) May 27, 2024
3:00 PM EST

Response to Proponent Questions
Final Addenda Deadline (see Section 2.5.3 (Issued Addenda))
May 30, 2024

RFP Submission Deadline
June 12, 2024 12:00 PM EST

Oral Presentations (if applicable)
July 22, 2024

Anticipated Tentative Award Date
July 24-29, 2024

Anticipated Tentative Agreement Start Date
August 2024